Sunday, June 24, 2007

AC broken? Try a slip n' slide

So how does someone go about cooling off on a hot summer's day when the AC in their apartment is broken. They build a slip n' slide. This is percisely what my friend Ethan and I aspired to accomplish this past Saturday. A bottle of kitchen soap, a garden hose, and 3 sheets of plastic (borrowed from a youth group that was having a youth conference on our campus) later we had built our very own slip n' slide..and boy was it worth it. I hope these images and video footage of our joyous jaunt back to the days of childhood summer fun would inspire and invigorate you to continue to create new ways to have fun.

If this picture doesn't inspire you....what would inspire you?

This picture should be on CBU's hompage

This our new friend Robert.

textbook sliding form

So how does someone go about cooling off on a hot summer's day when the AC in their apartment is broken? They build a slip n' slide. This is percisely what my friend Ethan and I aspired to accomplish this past Saturday. A bottle of kitchen soap, a hose, and 3 sheets of plastic ( borrowed from a youth group that was having a Youth Conference on our campus) later we had built our very own slip n' slide, and boy was it worth it.

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